Learn how to build and topple dominoes!

Just build 1 large circle for the head, 2 smaller ellipses for the ears, then add the connecting dominoes!

Learn how to build a Christmas tree in dominoes using about 225 dominoes.

You can also extend the sides to make a longer wall, or keep building higher until you reach the top of a pyramid!

Part 1: Alternating Technique (dominoes alternate the side they are placed every other layer)

Part 2: Column Technique (dominoes are placed on the same side every other layer, which creates “columns”)

Part 3: Diagonal Technique (dominoes are angled on a diagonal rather than making parallel squares)

Learn how to build magnets and marbles tricks with a tilted board, some ramps, and marbles!

3 simple marble tricks: marble to domino line transfer, releasing marbles, and newton’s cradle.

Topple a chain of flat dominoes (resembling a rooftop) balanced on vertical supporting dominoes

4 techniques to transfer from a sonimod line to a regular domino line