14th Annual Domino Toppling Extravaganza (BMAC 14)

MarDominoes, ShanesDominoez, Wright Reactions, and I spent 2.5 days building this project for the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center's 14th Annual Domino Toppling Extravaganza! We set up a total of 23,485 dominoes, and they all fell flawlessly! This project was inspired by "moods" - on the left side, we have an angry/chaotic section with lots of 3D structures, tricks that crash down, random sharp turns/split-offs, and things that fall all over the place. In contrast, the right side featured a calm/happy section with slower wide turns, elegant curved structures, and tricks that are relatively easier to follow. We were absolutely thrilled to welcome so many spectators to the topple, and it felt great to once again meet members of the domino community in person.

"BMAC domino toppling continues to occupy a special place in my heart, even after a decade of yearly treks up to Brattleboro. At this stage in my domino toppling career, it's the only event that I still participate in. The staff at the museum, the domino toppling team, and the city keep bringing me back. It's truly unlike any other event."

Domino Artist
