United in Differences - WDT 2021

A massive domino event to celebrate our differences - In this year's Wiedenbrücker Domino Toppling, Johannes Linnenbrink (DominoJOJO) and Deborah Prante organized an incredibly powerful toppling to symbolize diversity in society. It took the 10 artists 80 hours to build this massive setup of 175,000 dominoes. Over the course of 5 different sections, the builders promote inclusion of disabled people, gender equality, an end to racism and social disparity, religious freedom, and support of the queer community. It reminded me a lot of the Domino Day events, and I salute the German community for coming together and using their artistic passion to create such powerful messages. I cannot wait to see more, and I encourage everyone to check out this incredible event!

“This year, we’ve decided not to organize an usual domino event where we set up dominoes to any random topic. Instead, we’ve wanted to address some important problems in our society, and take a stand against every kind of discrimination.”

-Johannes Linnenbrink
Domino Artist
