For the second straight year, Michigan-based domino artist Brady Dolan organized his own domino and chain reaction event called Domino World. The event was held at the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum from July 10th-17th. This year’s Domino World team featured 9 expert chain reaction and domino builders, Chase Blanchette (TheRGMGuy01), Lyle Broughton (jackofallspades98), Conrad Decker (Twig), Alex & Derek Koops (DaksDominos), Gabe Neise (Sirgabealot G), Ian Steiner (Lightning Domino), Joel Yantha (TheInvention11), and team leader Brady Dolan (bpdoles).

During the week of preparation, the Domino World 2019 team built an astounding domino setup with over 35,000 dominoes and 4 chain reaction machine sections. The team of 9 created a very ambitious project with a unique, compact style including some fairly risky tricks, and beautiful color combinations. The setup even featured a section to honor the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. About 200 people watched the fall-down live on July 17th. Despite a few fails in the machine section, the entire domino section worked flawlessly. The team has truly mastered the art of the compact and complex domino building style. Congratulations to the team for another successful event!