On February 10th, domino artist Thibault Lesne (Tibomino) set up over 90,000 dominoes with the help of over 50 volunteers to break the French domino record, previously set at 72,749 dominoes. The event took place in a gymnasium in Palaiseau, France, and throughout the week, residents of the town were invited to participate by helping to set up as many dominoes as they wanted, in preparation for the falldown on the 14th. The goal of the event is to develop connections among the different communities and age groups in the area. According to Lesne, the event is “an opportunity to meet people, to promote my activity and dominoes around France, and achieve new goals (and records!!) year after year. It is a real challenge for me, as I am alone in the preparation process (creating plans, imagining fields and themes); and also during the event as I have to train new people every time for each event (most people haven't even ever heard of dominos before the event). But in the end, it is so exciting to see people get involved in the project as if it were their own.” The theme of the setup was Board Games, and featured domino projects depicting Scrabble, Monopoly, and Twister. By falldown day, Lesne and his volunteers had filled the gymnasium with over 90,000 dominoes. The project fell exceedingly well - a total of 90,361 dominoes toppled successfully, setting a new national record! “I am extremely proud we were able to reach that record and we are already imagining what we can do next year to do even better," Lesne said.