New World Record at WDC 2022

World Domino Collective 2022 is over and oh my, what an INCREDIBLE event! On August 19, we managed to break the world record for most dominoes toppled by amateurs with a staggering 704,814 dominoes! From recreating roller coasters out of tens of thousands of dominoes, to arcade machines, carousels, and other amusement park features, this domino setup was packed with the most fun, beautiful, and intricate designs. Over 250 people watched this record-breaking falldown live in Veenendaal, Netherlands. I must say, being part of World Domino Collective was truly a wonderful experience, and I really believe this is the domino event of the future. The level of detail in each individual project was on a whole new level and reminded me of Domino Day! I can’t wait to see how it evolves over the years. I’ll be posting tons of content from WDC 2022 over the next month on both Hevesh5 and H5 Domino Community. And make sure to subscribe to DutchDominoTeam, too - the official falldown video will be coming soon on their YouTube channel!

World RecordHevesh5