New World Record: Largest Quarter Pyramid (Half Pyra-Block)

Earlier this month, Instagram reached out to me with a wonderful opportunity to create a custom piece of art for their @design account! I wanted to set up something impressive that stands tall, and maybe even break a record. After a bit of research, I landed on building the world’s largest quarter pyramid using the “half pyra-block” technique. The “pyra-block” was invented by TheMcJoni in 2011, and named by OG builder bigbobbydog. This technique is built like a traditional 3D pyramid, with the addition of vertically placed dominoes on the 2 back sides, similar to the alternating wall technique. From the front, it looks like a tall 3D pyramid, but from the side, it looks like a straight wall due to the pyra-block technique. In total, this 12x12 base quarter pyramid contains 2,364 dominoes, which is a new unofficial world record! View the final video Reel and Carousel feature on @design.

World RecordHevesh5